Monday, August 6, 2012

He's here!

Ok so it's been a while since I've updated mainly due to the fact that I have not been able to find time, being that I had a baby!! Yes I realize he sleeps, but ususally when he does I do, due to the fact that I was quite damaged through his delivery. So here is my story of my delivery.
July 19th was his due date, I went into the doctor for my apptointment at 1 and she did a membrane sweep. She said if it worked it would work within the next 24 hours. So Friday, July 20th, around 10 am I started feeling my belly getting all tight with a little bit of discomfort. I talked to my friend who has 2 kids and she said it sounded like I was in labor. She came over and we went walking around the neighborhood. The tighening would come every 10 minutes at first and eventually down to every 5 minutes. She left around 330 and I decided if I was in labor I would need a nap if I was going to be up all night. So I layed down for a nap and woke up around 5 and felt NOTHING. No tighening no discomfort anything.
Jon came home and we went walking around again. Still nothing. So around 10:30 I decided I'd go to bed feeling quite disappointed that I was not in labor and that was just braxton hicks. Jon stayed downstairs playing xbox. I woke at midnight (July 21st) with the worst cramps ever. I took a couple of tylenol, and waited to see what happened. Well every 4-5 minutes I would feel the cramping, it was not the same tummy tightening as I had earlier. This just felt like very strong period cramps. I had a tiny bit of blood starting as well. I really didn't know what to do so I called labor and delivery, they said to wait until the tummy tightening comes back or until the pain gets to strong. Well that really didn't take long. About a half hour later I decided, I really didn't care if they sent us home I wanted to go in and get checked. The epidural was very important to me so I wanted to make sure I got there in time. One of Jon's friends a couple of weeks before, his wife did not get there in time and could not get the epi.
So we go to labor and delivery, they check me, said I was having contractions but was still only at 1.5 cm and 80% effaced. They called the doctor on call, who said to get me to walk around for a couple of hours. We walked around for about an hour and I went back to get my phone, she said she would check me again. I was then at 2 cm and about 90% effaced. The doctor said to admit me and start me on fentynol. I have very low pain tolerance so the contractions were horrible on me. They gave me one shot of fentynol which dulled the pain a bit but I still felt it. An hour later they gave me more fentynol a stronger dose this time and I was out of pain for a bit. They got me up and walking again once the pains had been lessened. I walked around for about 40 minutes then the pains came back to strong. They checked me and I was 3.5 cm dilated. I was doing the typical 1 cm per hour-hour and a half. In order to get the epidural I needed to be 4 cm. I got there around 7 am. But they wanted to wait until the new anesthetist came on around 730-8 so he would be fresh and get me a good epidural. At this point the contractions were every 2-3 minutes lasting for a full minute. It hurt  A LOT!!! Like nothing I have ever felt before.
Then around 7:45 am God sent an angel and the anesthetist came along to give me my epidural. He was very fast and efficent. He was British and sang to the radio the whole time. Within 5 minutes the pain was gone. It was fantastic!!! I could still move my legs but was completely frozen. Since I had the epi I couldn't get up and walk again, so I just laid there and talked to the nurse who spent the day with me. Jon was there but he was dozing a lot. I think it was around noon that he woke up and stayed awake and we watched youtube videos and chatted. Around noon I was to 9 cm... and stopped. Also my water hadn't broken.
Around 2ish I felt the need to (excuse the details) have a big poop. They did not lie about that's how it's gonna feel when you want to push. I was still only 9 cm. The urge kept getting stronger and stronger though. I could feel it through the epidural. It was every 3-4 minutes. I knew I was not fully dilated so I could not push. But my body wouldnt dilate any further. They called to doctor who said he would come up and break my waters and start me on pitocen and see if they would help with the contractions. Well as soon as he broke my waters I went to 10 cm and was ready to push, so I started.
They were extremely painful. It felt like I had been constipated for a month and trying to have a poop.They told me Alexander was face up, which means that it will be a harder, longer labor. (they also told me typically first time it would be 1-2 hours) I was pushing for about 10 minutes when I started asking for a csection. I was way to far gone for that and they refused me. The doctor left and told them to let him know when the baby was about to be delivered, since he knew it would be a long time before the baby was coming out. I would push atleast 3 times for every contraction. The nurses were fantastic coaches. Jon was incredible. He watched the whole thing, from the time they started seeing the head coming out. I was convinced I couldn't do it because it hurt so bad.
At one time the nurse said just thing as soon as this is done you'll have your baby boy.. my responce.. I don't want him... :S (pain makes you say weird things) after about 25 minutes of pushing they told me to stop that they needed to get the doctor cause he was right there and coming out. So the doctor came in. Apparently I told him I am not doing this for 2 hours, and pushed Alexander out. It was 40 minutes of pushing and he came out screaming! Alexander was delivered at 3:39 pm on July 21st he was 6lbs 15 oz and 20 1/4 inches long.

So here he is: Alexander Peter Dickinson :) our little angel.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

4 more days

Well, it's been a while. I now have 4 days until my due date. I wish it were closer. I wish he was here now. I am getting tired and sore. I never knew my joints would ache so much! All my joints not just my pelvis. Who knew your elbows could ache.. really?!?! But we are ready for him. I am more then ready for him I'd love to be going into labor now.

I had my 39 week appt Thursday. Everything was fine, I have another ultrasound Monday and then my 40 week dr appt on Thursday July 19th.. My due date. She said she will strip my membrane then if I make it to then. Which I have a feeling I will. I have had very few contractions, maybe 5 all together over the last month.

These things ppl say are braxton hicks, I'm not sure if I'm having those or i its just the baby moving. I'm not feeling any intense pain. I dont even know if I am having "mild" contractions. I do get some cramping but its a constant feeling, nothing that comes and goes. I start cramping and will feel that way for about 10-15 minutes then it goes away for the rest of the day.. Who know?!?! I did start taking evening primrose oil tablets yesterday.. figured it can't hurt. Its a natural suppliment and won't hurt the baby so all should be good. I havn't really nested. There is lots I want done around the house, but its stuff I can not do. I can not move the furniture, well I could but it probably wouldnt be suggested. Anything I can do I have been doing.

Today I woke up at 3 am and its now 4:47 and I am still awake. I tried reading, it made me yawn but did not make me tired, as soon as I turned off the light to go back to sleep I was wide awake again. I got up and ate a bowl of cheerios. Surfed the net a bit. I am just now starting to yawn and feel a bit sleepy so hopefully it means I'll get tired enough to sleep soon.

Alexander has been as active as ever through it all sometimes more so! It's kinda crazy to feel him moving around so much. Although I'm not a huge fan of when he gets on nerves that either make my legs go numb or sends shocks through my body! He is fully engaged (his head is tight in my pelvis) so now its just for him to decide he wants to come out. We want him out! More so me I think then Daddy. Although Daddy is pretty excited to have him out! He can't wait to hold him and see him and touch him! Jon's gonna make a great dad!

Tracey and I went shopping for her brides maid dress this week. We went to the same bridal store as where I got my dress. The lady was shocked I was 8 days from my due date LOL she said she never really would have guessed I was pregnant! I now enjoy telling ppl I am only days away from my due date to see the shock on their face as I still do not really look pregnant. Atleast not 9 months pregnant.

Well my eye lids appear to be starting to droop.. so I think I'll try to go back to bed for a few hours.. Hopefully...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Well one month from today is little Alexander's due date. While month 5.5-8 went very quickly I find time is really slowing down now! Even though I'm busier then ever with different classes, appointments, events and what not time is going slow. Some days seem to fly by but the weeks are creeping. It feels like I've been stuck on the 5 weeks left for the past 3 weeks!  I officially have 4 weeks and 2 days left til my due date. I can't wait to hold our little boy in my arms. The last two ultrasounds I've had he was doing fantastic and I got to see him yawn! Once in 2d and once in 3d.. It was so cool, makes him seem a little more real!
I had my first baby shower a couple of weeks ago. It was so much fun. I have a fantastic group of friends here who made it very special and memorable... Even the game "bath the baby" Yes they took a real baby, with his bath tub and got me to give him a bath. Luckily he was a great sport.. I showed Jon the pictures, he asked what I was doing to the baby, I told him giving him a bath.. His response was.. you'll get better at that right?! PSHT!!! I'd like to see him to better.. He has a diaper party this weekend, I should get the baby and make him change his diaper! HMMM maybe I can convince Rebecca to stop by with baby Matias... :D :D
Last week baby Alexander was 5 lbs and 2 oz according to the ultrasound, they said he is right on track to being a 7.5 lb baby. He is growing fantastically :D His heart is great, his kidneys, belly, everything is going so well. Such a huge relief since no one really knows the ins and outs of it and how its going to affect the baby's growth. The neuro can only give his opinion. But the same with every pregnancy they can only give their opinions on how the baby grows. Perfectly healthy ppl can have sick babies. So far though all seems great!
I'm getting excited to give birth to him. To see him, to see Jon with him. He is definitely going to be a very loved child.
We have done 3 of the 4 classes we're scheduled for so far. They were all very interesting and a great learning experience. I learned to ask for the epi ASAP especially if its getting close to 4pm as after 4pm there is only one anesthetist. And if he asks if I read the yellow form, ALWAYS tell him yes. Other wise he will walk out the door! We learned about child seat safety, how the child is born, different areas in the hospital, how to feed the kid. My first class I took 3 pages of notes!!! It made me feel a lot more secure and prepared to look after this precious little angel :)
I've also realized a lot of my anxiety is coming from outside sources not from my inner feelings towards labor, delivery, and the first few weeks of this child's life. So my goal for the next 4 weeks and 2 days is to block out every ones "advise" and "experiences" and go with my gut instincts and feelings towards it all. :D Best way to go for us I believe.
Now time for a few pictures:

Baby shower cake

 Daisy believes these blankets belong to her

 My Alexander's Winnie the Pooh from Tracey and Josh

 Bathing baby Matias (he was more interested in splashing the water in the tub)

 35 week baby belly :D

 And for cuteness factor Daisy and Callie hanging with mommy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Getting closer

Well we are definitely getting closer to the big day. 6 weeks and 2 days until Alexander's due date. We have pretty much everything done for him. The nursery is 99% finished, we just need one more changing table which I believe my brother in law is delivering June 11th. I am having my first baby shower this coming sunday. I will be having 3, one for my friends here in Moncton, one for my in law family in Amherst and one for my family on PEI. Both the Amherst and PEI one will be after baby arrives so everyone can meet him. I'm excited for them all!!
We have started our weekly biophysical profile ultrasounds. Everything looks fantastic. He always passes his non stress test within 5 minutes.. We have an active little fella, we also get weekly ultrasound pics :) I love the 3d pics we get to see his cute little face. He is growing fantastically, up into the 31st percentile for his GA. Weighing in at 4 lbs and 4oz last week! They said if he gains the normal half pound per week he will be about a 7lb 5 oz baby by the time he is done baking.. She said that's a little under average. I'm thinking for where that needs to come out of he is perfectly fine at that weight!
We have our baby bag packed for the hospital and my bag is packed as well. All ready and set to go.. However I would like him to stay in there until July 6th. Anytime after that I'm good for him to come! I begin my maternity leave on July 6th.
I am noticing my exhaustion is coming back in full force, which is not fair because now is when all the appointments are. I go to some form of appointment/class/event every week from now til the baby is born. In the next 9 days 7 of those are filled with appointments or classes or events. (baby shower and the United way day of caring)
It's going to be very hectic and very tiring. Just when you need energy because your sore and achy feeling gigantic and walking funny, you start to get worn out and tired and can't live off caffine. 6 more weeks.. hopefully!

And for your viewing pleasure here's another pic of our little angel! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nursery pics

Empty Room before

Room with stickers and furniture

Alexander's name sign, still working on the letters need to get them glossy.

Just bought this to hang over his changing table! :D (so cute I may die!)

This is what the name sign will look like once completed :D

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good news

So we got some very good news yesterday. Alexander is in normal range!! He is no longer in scary must watch everything phase. Two weeks ago he was in the 7th percentile for his gestational age. Yesterday he measured in at the 20th percentile! YAY for growing baby. He now weights about 2 lbs 10 oz :)

I also found out my next ultrasound is a profile ultrasound and I will be having those every week and the growth ultrasound every 2 weeks. I will be living at the hospital between regular baby doctor appts and high risk ultra sounds. But I am glad they are keeping a very close eye on him. :D At the moment everything looks great though. As you can tell from the previous pics post he's gonna be a cutie!

This coming week I will be on vacation to do my nursery up. I need to get the room emptied and scrubbed down as it use to be the cats room. I want it to be nice and fresh for the baby :D I will also be putting up his wall stickers and his name panel. I'm so excited to start setting up his room! Getting the crib and dresser and change table moved in is going to be fun.I will post before/after pics. Annnd that's pretty much the news for this week.

Picture post!

Baby with his hand up by his mouth

Hand over his eyes. I do this all the time if I'm on my back.

Baby 3d picture :D (free of charge from the high risk doctor) I love this as you can count his little fingers :D

Another 3d pic

The bump is slowly starting to come in! Mind you I am sticking it out a bit lol.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Losing a family member

I got home from work Wednesday night to find out my 16 year old tabby cat was hit by a car and had a broken leg. We called the vet and they said that due to her age surgery was very very risky. I then explained she was a very tiny cat barely weighing 5 lbs. She has been like that for years. The vet explained that was even riskier, that before they would do surgery they would have to put her through a battery of blood test to ensure all her inner workings were working like they should, then if they could, they would try to repair her leg. They would need to put pins in her leg, if it could be repaired, and that she would need to wear a cast for weeks to try to heal it, if it could heal and there was no guarantee it would heal properly. So we made the difficult decision to not put her through the pain and agony and put her to sleep instead.

Jake is a beloved family member. She had a very particular personality. When I first came into their life she would attack at a moments notice. You could only pet her head and you dare not pick her up. It took me about 3 months to pick her up. Over the last 3 and a half years she has become a very loving always around cat where I would always pick her up and pet her head and back. She was such a funny cat. One of my favorite stories is the one where she knocked over the bucket of chicken while Jon and I were at work, and her and the other two feasted on chicken breasts and legs.

She was always stealing food as she was always ready to eat. She would steal chicken wings from Jon's plate, cheese, any kind of meat, and my personal favorite bean sprouts, lettuce, onions and other random veggies. She was not a huge fan of mushrooms.

She talked al ot. Every time I went to the washroom she would run in and jump on the bathroom counter and meow at me til I bent my head down and she would give my hair licks. She has just recently gotten into the habit of licking my arm. She would annoy the life out of me with the insistent meowing all hours of the day. Last week when we found out the baby was small and might have to be taken out early I was upset. When I got home she didn't leave my side either laying right beside me or on my belly.

Her last night with us she was laying in on the bathroom mat, so I went in with her and she got up hobbled over and cuddled into my belly purring very loudly. It hurts that she won't get to meet Alexander, even if he would annoy her and piss her off. She was his sister. I have no stopped crying for two days. Leaving work early yesterday and not making it in today. It is incredible the amount of pain losing a pet well before their time causes. She was 16 but I am sure that she had at least another 5 years left in her. Actually probably another 10 just to spite us! Because that was her attitude.

We love you and miss you very much Jake. You will always live on in our hearts. XOXO

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baby update

So things have gotten a little stressful for us. We went for a 27 week ultrasound last week and Alexander has dropped to the 7th percentile from the 19th percentile in size. It was a hell of a week. I researched a lot of stuff and found some very scary scenario's. Anything between the 10th and 90th percentile in size is normal. Anything below 10th is "abnormal". I was told if he gets to the 3rd percentile in size we have to look into taking him out. So here is my scenario as a mom in my head:

21 week ultrasound baby is at 19th percentile
17th week ultrasound baby is at 7th percentile.. over a 50% drop
Another ultrasound scheduled for 2 weeks (and every 2 weeks the rest of my pregnancy) if in 6 weeks the baby has dropped over 50% in size in 2 weeks he could be down to the 3rd or 4th percentile easily.. Therefore leaving me to deliver at 30-31 weeks. Leaving a premature baby :(
BTW I have a very VERY active imagination.

Let me tell you there is nothing scarier then the what if's of pregnancy!!! It is a very stressful job to be growing a human being!

So yesterday I had my dr appt with my regular baby doctor Dr Leblanc and am able to breathe a lot easier right now. She told me not to worry about the percentile because the difference between 7th and 10th can be millimeters so it's really not a big deal. Also the fact that he was only in the 19th percentile to begin with and a drop to the 7th percentile isn't that major. She said he could be up to the 14th percentile next week on the scan. She said the main things to focus on is that he has good fluid, good blood flow through umbilical and good movement. She said they will try to keep him in until the 37th week. She also said that if the percentile drops again next week not to worry too much, as long as the 3 main things are good. She has had patients deliver at 37 weeks in the 3rd percentile and have a perfectly healthy 7 lb baby.

She said there is no soft markers for chromosomal defects on any of the ultrasounds so not to worry about that. She said we just have to see what next week brings. The only thing she recommended was iron supplements because I tested on the border. Also I do not have gestational diabetes. So right now.. we're assuming he is just a small baby because everything looks normal other wise.

Here's a cute little baby pic for viewing pleasures. Baby Alexander sucking on his umbilical cord!

Friday, April 6, 2012

25 week baby bump

What time is it?

Well it's 7 am.. and I've been up for an hour. I am now sitting at work EXHAUSTED and with a sore belly. I worked til 9:30 last night, then got home and was to happy to see Jon to fall asleep right away so went downstairs and cuddled him while we watched silly TV.
I love holiday shift bids that take you away from your normal shifts :S At least I'm off at 3:30 today! That will definitely be a treat.


So here is a conversation that happened between me and a co-worker the other day. He is aware I am 6 months pregnant BTW.

Greg: "If I was a girl and pregnant, and someone asked me when I was due I'd say what are you talking about? I'm not pregnant."
Me: "I'm not really getting asked that yet"
Greg: looks me up and down... "Is there even a baby in there?"

I laughed it off, mainly because I got a call right away, but it really hurt my feelings. I am fully aware I do not look pregnant.. However I definitely FEEL pregnant. I feel the baby kicking and moving. I get exhausted at the smallest of tasks. Doing dishes.. yeah then gotta take a break cause it wore me out. Going up stairs.. KILLER!! 15 minute walks.. take 25-30 minutes now. I am slower, I get more back pains, I have an alien moving around my belly doing gymnastics. Jon was a swimmer in his younger years, being a red cross swim teacher and life guard. I say all the time Alexander is taking after daddy and practicing his swim laps in my uterus. Swim, swim, swim, flip, turn, swim, swim, swim. It's frustrating the things people say sometimes.

Then there is the "oh the first one always takes time for the bump to appear" Well ya know what, I know of at least 5 other girls who are also on their first time pregnant.. Who are all due AFTER me.. Who have a cute little baby bump. Yeah.. that theory, doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Another favorite of mine is "Be thankful it hasn't appeared I would have loved to not have had such a big bump early on" Well ya know what.. 4-5 months was cool not to have a huge bump. Yes it is very nice to be able to sleep on my belly still. BUT I look fat, which I'm not.. I'm pregnant. There is a child in there. I also look lazy and out of shape because even though I don't look 6 months pregnant.. I AM!!! So I am slower at things. I get winded very easily, so walking up the stairs at work, not only am I slow at it but when I get to the top I am breathing heavy and it takes me about 5 minutes to catch my breath. So not really looking pregnant this means that I look like I put on a few lbs, and am out of shape. Which really really really bothers me. More then I can express this bothers me. The other thing about this is that I worry Alexander is not growing properly, not putting on enough weight. While his kicks are definitely getting stronger, and he has I still worry because he's not causing me a giant belly.

***END RANT***

Now don't get me wrong, I am not minding being pregnant. I love feeling him kick and flip. I am amazed when he kicks hard enough to startle me. To feel his little head and arms and legs and other body parts is awesome. When he makes my belly push way out and get right hard is the oddest weirdest most amazing feeling ever. When I go for a walk and I feel like I have a brick stuck to my belly because he moves forward and makes my belly all heavy and hard, reminds me I am pregnant and makes me feel great. I love that he has temporarily at least cured my lactose intolerance.. mmmm cheese... I love that my moods have stabilized and I'm not a broad spectrum of emotions. I am more stable now then ever. 95% of the time in a great, although tired mood. Like I said I can still sleep on my belly which is huge for me as I am very big on belly sleeping. I have always been a belly sleeper.

There is only 2 good things I can think of right now about not looking pregnant, no one randomly touches my belly. Which I have heard is a very annoying thing. #2 I am not getting much unwanted advise from people, as only those close to me, or who have over heard me talking to my close friends, know I'm pregnant. Most of the advise I am getting, I solicite, so I ask people who I look at as good parents and take their advise accordingly. It is nice asking for advise and opinions rather then being told it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

3 weeks of pictures!

Awesome bib we got Alexander!

Little guy's right hand.. Hello everyone!!

Jon and I with a friends baby and Daisy. Doesn't she look happy!

Callie through our March heat wave, smelling summer!

23 week baby bump


Another profile

Alexander's left foot.. I think it looks like frog legs.

Week 24

Well we are 24 weeks moving into our 25th week on Thursday. I have had a pretty uneventful pregnancy which is good I guess. I still have a very pathetic baby bump.. Everyone keeps promising me someday it will pop. I'm beginning to doubt it. The reason it concerns me is I'm afraid Alexander is not growing properly, not putting on enough weight etc. He is fantastic with his kicks and movements. I can now see him kicking my skin up which is awesome. Being able to not only feel it but see it. I had my baby doc appointment last Tuesday and the heart beat was good and strong 148-150 bmp. I was up 8 lbs. My baby doctor is very happy with that.

On the negative side our weather turned cold again, which makes it extremely difficult to get out and exercise. We did go to the sugar camps on Sunday and walked around for about 2 hours however since then I have not really done much exercise. Groceries yesterday and house cleaning today. Maybe tomorrow I'll get out or pop in my prenatal dvd. There are few days where I have an abundance of energy those days are usually saved for house cleaning or organizing.

Now that things are going to be moving along quicker I will try to update the blog. I have another ultra sound on April 18th. I have to do my diabetes test next week. I have one more monthly appointment with my doctor in April, then I move to bi-weekly appointments. Which will make me feel better as they will get to check the baby more often! Man I am such a worry wort! It's going to be an interesting year to state the obvious!

Going to post pics on another post because blogger is a pain to try to post an update and pictures in the update. :S

Friday, March 9, 2012

21 weeks

Hello all,
This week was our 21 week anatomy scan. On their scales I am only up 6 lbs.. so I'm up between 6-8 lbs total. Which is good! Just gotta start watching it a little closer.
I got my anatomy scan.. and we found out we're having a boy!!! YAY!!!! He is 12 oz :) His name will be Alexander Peter Dickinson. We are both over joyed that he is healthy! We were able to count all fingers and he had a good heart beat and a nice shaped head.. (although that thing is 4 cm wide already!!!) She said he looked good and healthy.
Dr Leblanc asked for a cervix scan thinking I may have a shortening cervix but since my symptoms only happened once, they chose not to. However since then I have been having the same symptoms so I went to the hospital for a checkup. Everything is great, cervix is closed and long :D So now that I have been reassured that the baby is ok and I am ok.. I'm hoping to be able to relax a little.
I love going for my ultrasound, I love seeing him move. It was quite funny today when they were listening to his heart he kicked the doppler lol... The best thing is they give us soo many pictures. We got 6 this time! I need to get them all to walmart and scan them in and print them out!
I will be posting some of them soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

20 weeks!

Here's my 20 week belly pics!!

20 weeks baby bump

Special appearance from Daisy!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Good week

Well we are 19 weeks on Thursday :) This has been a good week I've started feeling the baby move. My appetite is ok, I'm loving tuna and cheddar sandwiches mmmmmm! I had the energy to actually make a chicken dinner today. Although it is sooo much work, for a few minutes of yummy eats, then the clean up.. But it was yummy and Jon enjoyed it, the baby even gave a kick or two.

I have been a bit stressed this week because I worry about the baby. I hate not knowing what's going on in there. Thankfully I have a doctor appointment this Wednesday, then the following Wednesday we go for our 20 week ultrasound. Hopefully find out what the baby is. I have to meet with the FACT people at some point in March so I shouldn't worry to much about the baby. I get to hear/see it a lot!

My cravings-- broccoli casserole, sour cream and bacon chips and tuna sandwiches

Weight gained--4 lbs

Food aversions-- getting better I was able to force one salad into me this week

Inches gained--still around 5"

Goal for the next week--drink more water and workout at least 3 times

Pregnancy symptoms--Does baby kicking count as a symptom

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

And a few fun pics

So had some issues with the spacing in the last post.. Blogger is not the friendliest site to post multiple pics on. Its quite annoying because I can not get the spacing right although it looks fine when I'm compsing.. But thats all the pics of the baby and baby belly.

Now I shall chuck in some fun baby related pics. Callie believes that everything that is brought into the house HAS to be for her. I mean who else could it be for????

A new bed for me!!! Awesome!

Oh a new toy for me.. You shouldn't have!

As promised.. huge pic update!

Baby 6 weeks old Baby Belly 13 weeks

Baby 13 weeks 4 days

Baby Belly 15 weeks

Baby 14.5 weeks

Baby Belly 18.5 weeks

Monday, February 20, 2012


Well its official, I can now feel the baby move. This weekend when we would put our hands on our belly the baby would kick 4-5 times. Jon was all smiles. This morning I was relaxing surfing facebook and boom boom boom I got kicked!

It is a crazy amazing feeling. Then a few hours after that I felt it again. I gotta stay I got a little teary eyed! Its a very relaxing feeling knowing the baby is ok. Even if it only happens once a day, I'll be more then happy!

So I have a few different questions I'm not sure how many ppl come here, but if you do please weigh in.

1. What if any baby laundry soap do you recommend?

2. I have avent bottles (thank you Jennifer and Adam) and am not sure if I should get the 0 months or the 1 month nipples for it. I think the 0 month is really low flow, but also do not want to get the baby to get a flood of milk at 3 days old lol.

3. I have vacation booked for the end of may, like May 28th to June 1st. I am due July 19th. I want to get the nursery ready during this vacation.. Should I keep it, or move it up? If I move it up should I move it up 2 or 3 weeks?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Officially 18 weeks

Well I am 18 weeks pregnant today :) I love it now that I am not sick anymore. I will love it more once I feel the baby kick! I might have felt it move a few times already, just not to sure. I bought my first pair of maternity pants last weekend.. What an adventure that was... 12 pairs of jeans, 3 skirts, 2 cargos, 2 pairs of leggings and 65 minutes later.. I got one pair of cargos.. (which pick up everything!!! highly annoying) But they are comfy and thats all that matters! The reason for trying on all the clothes and only getting one pair, because they were all freekin skinny leg.. I am sorry I do not know many women who wear a size 14+ who have skinny legs! Why would they do that?! Why on earth was that their only option available? like NO regular jeans at all. Their reason "its the style". So what I don't want to be in style then, I want comfy jeans where my legs look like legs not stuffed sausages!

I am getting better sleep which is great! I have energy to do stuff which is even better. I did have a week of vacation last week. I loved being able to cook home made meals for supper every night :) In a way I can't wait for mat leave so I can make Jon home made meals almost every night :)

This week I got pre-registered for delivery and got registered for my labor and deliver class. Which will be June 9th. We get a tour of the hosptial and a bunch of other stuff. I also have a class on breast feeding on the 11th. It was suggested I take Jon along since breast feeding is a "team effort". They will be interesting classes to say the least. There was another one I wanted to register for however I work nights and they only hold them at nights. Because apperently the only people who get pregnant in this world are people who work 9-5.. Seriously! It does make it all that much more real for me. My next baby doc appt is Feb 29th. Then my ultra sound on March 7th. We hope to find out what we're having on that day.

My schedule is also going to be changing :s Which I do not like this one as I have no idea what I'll be working, I don't know if I'll get my weekends off which will be very disturbing :( Not even one week day off.

My cravings-- none
Weight gained--2 lbs
Food aversions-- pretty much everything I mostly force myself to eat, Nothing is appetizing oh but I did eat my first salad in months
Inches gained--5 (no wonder my pants no longer fit!)
Goal for the next week--eat more salad! I want to start eating a little better then I have. I'm not eating that much junk but want to cut out what I have been.
Pregnancy symptoms--HORRIBLE night sweats! Scared the life out of me as I was not expecting it and it scared me and worried me until I spoke with Crystal the next am..

I will have to get Jon to take some pics of my teenie tiny baby bump to post. We bought the baby a tshirt this past weekend at the motorcycle show. And we ordered a rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock bib! I shall post a pic later.. It will have to be one huge pic post, but everyone loves pics right!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2nd baby doctor appt

I've had a very busy week, starting out with a cold! YAY! Luckily it only lasted one day. I have entered a clinical trial on how Folic Acid may help prevent preeclampsia. (They are hoping that it will prove effective so they can start helping women in 3rd world countries who lose their babies and sometimes their lives because of preeclampsia.) It's not as bad in north america as we know how to and can treat it well, however 3rd world countries do not have the necessary equipment needed incase the baby needs an early delivery. I am on an extra 4 mg of either folic acid or placebo pills. I will find out in 3 years which one I am on. I got to sort of hear the heart beat through that process (which was thursday) But the doppler sucked and would only stay on for 2-3 seconds. Its a pretty easy study, I take the pills, note when I take them and go in every trimester to get weighed, blood pressure checked, urine tested for protein and heart listened to.
I did get to see the birthing rooms which look awesome. Nice big and spacious! Nice chair for Jon to be in.
Friday I went to see Dr Leblanc, she is great. She had another student with her though.. He was not as personable as I would have prefered. He didnt talk much or joke around much. Very much all business. I almost told him to smile a little lol. I got to hear the heart beat, and recorded it for Jon to hear as he was at work and couldnt come to this appt. The heart beat was between 145-150. They havnt started measuring my belly yet. They again reitterated that they are going to try at all measures for me to have a vaginal birth!
I did ask Dr Leblanc about if I need a cecerian for it to be a natural c-section. She had never heard of it so she is going to look it up. I found about it from pregtastic! (great site for preggo women) link to it is So hopefully it will be an option.
That is all the news from the world of baby. We're having a few ppl over this weekend for the super bowl. I'm on vacation this week for a very much needed break!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Well, if you're here you already know Jonathan and I are having a baby!
We are 15 weeks pregnant and will be popping out a youngin around July 19Th (hopefully before .. I do not want to go overdue!) This came as quite a surprise to us as we thought all 2012 would bring us would be our wedding in November. Yes.. November so we will have a baby mid July and a wedding mid November.

I had a very rough start to the pregnancy. I was nauseous (learned quickly how to spell that properly) 24 hours a day from about a week after we found out until sometime in January so roughly 6-7 weeks. I lost weight, I worried I wasn't providing for the baby, I had no energy. I slept anytime I wasn't at work and ate very very little. But all is good, baby is growing and my nausea is now gone!

Two major bonuses to the pregnancy, I am no longer lactose intolerant (bring on the cream cheese smothered bagels) and my mood has completely stabilized! Both of which I am extremely gratefully for. One thing I'm not to overly fond of is that fact that I have lost my sweet tooth :( This makes me extra sad. Jon realized how much I'm not liking sweets when we still had Christmas chocolates in the house last weekend. Still do actually 2 boxes unopened willow crisps. Also another odd symptom is when the cold hits me my knee caps and ankles ache.. and I mean ACHE!!!! I had to take an Epsom salt bath yesterday with two Tylenol to make the pain tolerable!

I have gotten TONS of advise (wanted or not). Mostly good, some made me go hmmmmm (things that make you go hmmm) I've really enjoyed reading "whats baby up to" on my iphone app. This week our flutterbye can hear, so it suggests singing to the baby.. Jon suggests me NOT singing to the baby.. For some reason Jon does not appreciate my singing voice..

My belly is starting to stick out a bit. I have not gained any weight yet, even though I am not eating the best. I have lost my love for my beloved salad :( This makes me very sad. I hope it will come back soon. I miss my chicken salad! I am hoping now that I am getting a bit of energy back, since my shift change that I will also get a bit of energy to make more healthy meals.

I will post baby belly pictures soon. :) and an ultrasound pic.

So welcome, and enjoy the next 6 months of my journey!!!