Wednesday, March 20, 2013

New Goals

So I went to one of the doctors yesterday that followed my pregnancy. I was in a folic acid trial to see how it affects pregnancy and the possibility of preeclampsia. They believe that if you stay on high doses of folic acid it can reduce the possibility of preeclampsia. She followed my weight at every appt I gained a total of 23 lbs while I was pregnant and another 7 after. We discussed my weight and what I can do to help. She said not to stress to much about it right now cause I'm still a new mom even though Alexander is 8 months old tomorrow (when did that happen!). She said to just eat as healthy as possible and to try to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I have my pedometer strapped on and am currently on 199 steps. Mind you I didn't put it on as soon as I got up which is my busiest time of the day but today is just a "base" day.
Jon and I talked and he said that if I could just remember what I ate before I moved to Moncton (when I was at 180 lbs) and follow that again then I could probably get the weight off. The problem is I don't remember what I ate. It is easier to make a list of what I didn't eat that I eat now. So quickly off the top of my head this is what I reintroduced to my diet over the last 4 years:
  • chips
  • pop
  • chocolate
  • sweets in general
  • french fries
  • fish sticks
  • butter
  • cream (in coffee)
  • bacon
 I think the hardest thing to stop will be the pop and sweets. I also use to use twin in my coffee, right now I drink 3 tsp's of sugar. I would like to cut that out slowly too.
My life is no longer my life. It belongs to Alexander. I need to get back into shape for him. I have been having a few symptoms of my disorder popping up lately (difficulty with steps, and some drop foot). I'm not sure if its due to my added weight or if its due to the stress that nursing an 8 month old is putting on my body. My neurologist is out of office until Monday so I'll be giving him a call then. I really don't want to start back on my IVIG so if its the nursing thing it will be short lived as I'm really going to try super hard to get Alexander onto a sippy within the next 2-3 weeks because I want to be back to work in 6 weeks.. HOLY SHIT 6 WEEKS!!! OMG having a mommy break down looking at that.. But financially it must be done. He will be 9.5 months so really we will be ok. Especially when I'll still get my days with him and Jon will get nights.

I can't believe Alexander will be 8 months tomorrow! My goodness they grow fast!

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